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Hydrospinning, or aqua cycling, is a type of cardio exercise that involves working out on a stationary bike while the lower half of the body stays submerged in water [1]. Classes are based on the traditional concept of spinning – static bikes, high-intensity cardio, an upbeat soundtrack and a motivating instructor – but instead of pedalling furiously on ‘dry land’, the bike is situated in a pool of water. [2] Gaining popularity in 2011, the trend is relatively new. While already widespread in Europe, hydrospinning is beginning to take off in North America.

Aqua spinning class aboard a cruise ship


There is some uncertainty regarding the origins of hydrospinning. Many claim that the trend originated in Italy in the 90's and have credited an anonymous Italian physical therapist for the concept of underwater cycling. However, others believe that this new fitness trend emerged in France in 2011. [3][4] According to the French advocates, "the idea was popularized in 2011 by Alain Lellouche, who named his franchise "Waterbike" and sold it to to more than 80 spas and gyms across France, where hydrotherapy has always been popular." [1] This modern take on the age-old "spinning class" received positive reviews from French cyclers, and the practice quickly gained prominence around Europe.

In 2013, two years after the trend gained prominence in Europe, hydrospinning was introduced in North America. Aqua Studio NY, the first aqua cycling studio in the United States, was founded by a French-born woman named Esther Gauthier. [5] Following Aqua Studio's success, the hydrospinning trend continues to spread within the United States.


There are many benefits that hydrospinning has to offer for cyclers of all ages and fitness levels. Aqua-cycling offers many of the same benefits as regular spinning classes. These include: greater muscle toning than other forms of aerobic exercise, increased cardio endurance, stress reduction, reduced risk of injury and low impact movements (this is particularly for those suffering from knee and other joint injuries as well those suffering from arthritis). [6] However, the 'aqua' element of hydrospinning, gives this workout even more benefits when compared to a regular cycling class. Because the lower body is submerged, body weight is supported by the water, which further reduces the pressure on joints. This makes hydrospinning a virtually impact-free workout. This also means that aqua cyclers are not likely to feel sore following a session as the water prevents the muscles from any micro-trauma.

One of the better known benefits of aqua-cycling is its ability to effectively burn cellulite. The water friction acts as a massage for the legs, while the simulation and action on the cellulite is twice as intense. This enhanced intensity helps eliminate the cellulite. [7] Aqua-cyclers can expect to burn up to 800 calories per hour session. The support and pressure from the water accelerates blood circulation and facilities fat elimination.[7] As well, because cyclers float in the water, their joints have a wider range of motion, allowing them to make stronger movements. [7] Like any other indoor cycling class, hydrospinning can be done all year round, so fans can reap the benefits from their practice all year long.



Aqua Studio NY is the first hydrospinning studio in New York

Currently there are several hydrospinning studios throughout Europe, with the majority being in Italy, France, Germany and the UK. European hydro-spinners can find gyms that offer hydrospinning classes as well as exclusive aqua cycling studios. [8] In France, Alain Lellouche's Waterbike, has become the largest hydrospinning franchise with over 80 spas and gyms all around France. Hydrofit, the first aqua-cycling studio in London, has become a crowd favourite with its clientele including British socialite, Pippa Middleton. Hydrofit now has several locations all around London. [1]

In Europe, some studios, including all of the Hydrofit facilities, offer a more individualized hydrospinning experience. Instead of large group classes, these studios offer individual or dual cabins as part of their hydrospinning facilities. Each of these cabins contains a hydro-massage bathtub in which the bikes are immersed. [1] The tubs are equipped with water jets which exert additional water pressure. This extra pressure is said to further enhance cellulite reduction. [4]. With the luxurious amenities and privacy, this version of aqua cycling is more about creating a relaxing, spa-like environment for total rejuvenation, as opposed to the high-intensity atmosphere of group classes. [9]

North America[edit]

AQUAStudio NY is the first American hydrospinning studio. Located in the TriBeCa neighbourhood in New York City, the spa-like studio has gained significant attention, receiving only positive reviews. With new hydrospinning studios opening in Pennsylvania, Connecticut, and California, this innovative workout continues to spread.[10]


Hydrospinning is performed on stationary bikes, which are designed to be waterproof. All of the aqua bike manufacturers to date are located in Europe and ship their bikes throughout the continent and internationally to the United States. Hydrorider, an Italian manufacturer, is a popular supplier for the New York studio. [11]

The European studios that offer the individual cabins, require different equipment. In this case, the bikes are submerged in small pods, or hydro-massage bathtubs that have 16 hydro-massge jets inside that blast additional water, creating more pressure. In addition to the pods or bathtubs, these cabins also feature a flat screen TV, built-in Bluetooth capabilities, and chromotherapeutic lights. [1]


The attire for aqua cycling is essentially up to the cycler. Cyclers mainly choose to wear swimsuits, though some women opt for spandex shorts and a sports bra. Cyclers will also often wear clear jelly shoes, which may or may not be provided by the respective studio. [12]
