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I'm a physiological psychologist/neurophysiologist with tangential training and an interest in:

Among the articles I've written in these fields are:

"The Entheomycological Origin of Egyptian Crowns and The Esoteric Origins of Egyptian Religion." (Journal of Ethnopharmacology 102 (2005) 275–288)2005 http://shroomer.cz/upload/Hubicky_v_Egypte.pdf

“The Prehistoric Practice of Personifying Psychotropic Mushrooms.” Journal of Prehistoric Religion, Volume XIII, 1999, pp. 22-31.

“The Mysterious Ekron Goddess Revisited.” Journal of The Ancient Near Eastern Society, vol. 31 pp. 15–21. http://www.ethnomycology.com/Ekron/Berlant_JANES311.pdf

“Deconstructing Grimm’s laws reveals the unrecognized foot and leg symbolism in Indo-European lexicons.” Semiotica 171(August), pp. 265-290.

"The Venus of Hohle Fels: Its Entheomycological Significance in Relation to The Venus of Willendorf and Other, Anthropoid, Female Figurines." Anistoriton. Art Section. http://www.anistor.gr/english/index.htm

I am a member of The Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS), The International Association of Egyptologists (IAE), and MENSA. I formerly resided at and am still affiliated with The Center for Advanced Studies in Philadelphia. http://www.advanced-studies.org

Because I wrote the above-mentioned articles to share my views on their respective subjects, my edits may reflect what some people may consider a conflict of interest.