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Jonathan Zatz[edit]


This is a man that needs no introduction.

Early Life[edit]

Jonathan was born in Brooklyn, NY, in December of 1986. He weighed 8 pounds 3 ounces and was born with a full head of hair. Although he was a heavy, full spirited baby--things would soon change. After finishing his early years at a local elementary school (where he would meet long-time friend and Russian Immigrant Ilya Radzinksy), he was accepted to Huddy Junior High. He enjoyed baseball and soccer in his free time.

Middle Years[edit]

High School was a time of growth for Jon, strictly in the emotional sense. Jon was very social and managed to maintain a decent grade-point average, while making many friends in the process. By his senior year, Jon was ready for College and was accepted into Binghamton University. It is here that his struggles would begin.

Later Life[edit]

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External links[edit]